December 19, 2018

The Difference You Make

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At a time of year when you’re flooded by appeals to give, do you sometimes ask yourself:

What difference, really, will my gift make?

At the Center for New York City Affairs, our work during 2018 offers powerful answers.

With your support, we helped establish fair pay for tens of thousands of New York’s for-hire drivers.

With your support, we’ve advanced the cause of meaningful racial and economic integration in the city’s public schools – and of creating better classroom education for all students.

With your support, we’ve told the stories of Hurricane Maria survivors and their struggles to recover.

With your support, we helped win the budget battle ensuring that thousands of low-income youngsters in our state get the mental health services they need.

With your support, we’ve spelled out the promise, and potential problems, in early childhood education’s expansion in New York.

And with your support, once-criminalized young people have become agents of change in the lives of others.   

With your continued support, we‘ll keep making big differences for people across our city in 2019.

Please make a tax-deductible contribution to the Center for New York City Affairs today.

Thank you for helping make our work possible over the past year.

And the best of the holiday season to you all.

Note to our readers: The next Urban Matters will appear on Wednesday, January 16, 2019.

Photos by: Phil Roeder ,  Patch Community, INSIDESCHOOLS, Maite H. Mateo, Stefanos Papachristou, Kamille Vargas, and Vladimir Gurewich