New York’s 2024 Economic and Budget Outlook: Post-Pandemic Reckoning for the City and the State EconomySeth MoncreaseJanuary 11, 2024Report
Testimony on Hearing on the November Budget Modification EconomySeth MoncreaseDecember 12, 2023Report
How the Rise in Care Work Intensifies New York’s Gender Income Inequality Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseDecember 7, 2023
While New York City’s economy is back to pre-pandemic job levels, rising public assistance demand highlights the need for State and City action to increase income for city residents Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseNovember 2, 2023
Closing the Gender Pay Gap: Why Pay Equity has Stalled in New York City and the Urgent Need for Action EconomySeth MoncreaseNovember 1, 2023Report
The latest Census Bureau data on incomes and poverty show just how far NYC has slipped from pre-pandemic levels in relation to the U.S. overall and the nation’s largest cities EconomySeth MoncreaseSeptember 27, 2023Report
New York City’s labor force participation has largely recovered, but out-of-school/out-of-work rates are higher, particularly among young Black New Yorkers Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseSeptember 21, 2023
High Calling, Low Wages. Home-Based Early Care and Education Providers in New York City EconomySeth MoncreaseSeptember 14, 2023Report
Pandemic wage gains in New York City’s high-wage industries outpace gains for low- and middle-wage industry workers Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseAugust 24, 2023
Jobs in private sector close to pre-pandemic levels, alongside a shrunken public sector and shifts in the city’s industry composition Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseJune 22, 2023
Cash Assistance rolls have risen sharply in New York City as a result of the uneven employment recovery and the end of various forms of pandemic economic assistance Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseMay 11, 2023
Although unemployment has fallen in New York City, the last year has seen a sharp divergence in White and Black unemployment rates Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseApril 27, 2023
NYC job growth slows and layoffs rise as national economic outlook weakens; NY’s unemployment safety net ill-prepared if unemployment rises Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseApril 13, 2023
How Forced Arbitration & Non-Competes Tip Justice’s Scales Against Workers Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseMarch 30, 2023
Watching the Numbers 2023: Covid-19's Effects on Child Welfare System CNYCA's seven-year statistical survey monitoring New York City's child welfare system Read More Child Welfare Watch, Children, FamiliesSeth MoncreaseMarch 28, 2023Watching the Numbers, ReportsWTN
An Active Market Labor Policy for New York City to Achieve Shared Prosperity EconomySeth MoncreaseMarch 21, 2023Report
Supporting the Need for a Connecticut Rideshare and Delivery Driver Minimum Pay Standard Seth MoncreaseMarch 18, 2023Report
Adjusting the Expense Component of the High-Volume For-Hire Vehicle Minimum Pay Standard Seth MoncreaseMarch 18, 2023Report
New York City’s job growth shrinks further in January, but the annual employment revision reveals an overall increase and significant changes for several industries Economic UpdateSeth MoncreaseMarch 16, 2023