Child Welfare Limbo: Covid-19 Puts Family Reunifications On ‘Indefinite’ Hold

Amid the chaos caused by Covid-19, New York City parents with kids in the child welfare system have lost access to the Family Court judges normally entrusted with protecting their rights. In at least one case, the City's child welfare agency held custody of a child for more than a week without seeking permission from a judge, according to family members who were desperate to bring the child home.

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New Report On The Jobs Impact Of Covid-19 And Unemployment Insurance

James Parrott, director of economic and fiscal policies for the Center for New York City Affairs at The New School, partnered with The Century Foundation and its Senior Fellow Andrew Stettner on a new report released yesterday projecting up to 15 million U.S. lost jobs as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, and estimating the value of a key provision in the new Senate stimulus bill regarding unemployment insurance benefits.

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Backfire: When Reporting Domestic Violence Means You Get Investigated for Child Abuse

Child welfare investigators are often among the first responders to domestic violence cases. Officials say their goal is to help not just kids but adult victims, protecting them from abusers and steering them into services like therapy or shelter. But critics of the system--including many advocates for domestic violence survivors--say that child welfare interventions often go terribly wrong, turning victims into suspects and creating chaos for vulnerable families.

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As Public Preschool for 3- and 4-Year-Olds Grows in NYC, What’s Happening to the Babies?

One unintended consequence of free, public preschool programs is the toll they can take on a community’s supply of child care for babies and toddlers. In some places, when public preschool programs for 3- and 4-year-olds grow, affordable child care for younger children shrinks. This analysis of enrollment data for the subsidized child care system suggests that in New York City, about the same number of infants and toddlers are receiving subsidized child care in child care centers and family child care programs as before the expansion of Pre-K-for-All. But other data and research which is inclusive of non-subsidized child care raises concerns that affordable infant and toddler care for low-income parents in New York City may indeed be at risk.

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Time for a Real Look at How the New York State Workers’ Compensation System Treats Workers

Many aspects of New York’s workers’ comp benefit structure combine to deliver inadequate lost-worktime compensation to injured workers. Since 2007 workers' comp “reforms,” payments to or on behalf of workers have fallen relative to workers’ comp premiums while insurance company profits have soared. This report unravels the details and argues that the Empire State needs to take a fresh look at its workers’ comp system in order to restore the priority of fairly compensating victims of workplace injuries and ensure that businesses responsibly invest in enhancing workplace safety. This report updates several data series included in an earlier version released in April 2019.

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