The January Child Welfare Speaker Series event will explore the links between the child welfare and health care systems. What are the particular challenges faced by families navigating medically-based child abuse claims? Our presenter, Diane L. Redleaf, is the founder of the Chicago-based Family Defense Center and co-chairs United Family Advocates, a bi-partisan federal child welfare reform policy network. She will share insights from her new book, They Took the Kids Last Night: How the Child Protection System Puts Families at Risk, which documents how even the most well-meaning parents can end up on the wrong side of a child abuse allegation when their child has an injury or medical condition that gets misinterpreted.
Diane L. Redleaf, author, founder of the Family Defense Center, and co-chairs United Family Advocates
Carolyn Kubitschek, child protection civil rights lawyer, New York City
Clara Presler, staff attorney, Bronx Defenders