Misery, and Hope, In a Poor People’s Court: ProPublica Talks With Abigail Kramer (2016)
A bleak portrait of a reception area in the Bronx Family Court opens the vivid new report “Is Reform Finally Coming to New York City Family Court?” Reporter Joaquin Sapien of ProPublica, the Pulitzer Prize-winning independent, non-profit investigative news organization, asked the report’s author, Abigail Kramer, about her work, including her views on the latest push to speed the notoriously glacial pace of child protective cases in Family Court.
Giving Low-Income Parents A Better Alternative to Family Court (2015)
By Jane C. Murphy
By all accounts, the New York City Family Court is in a state of crisis – one felt most crushingly by the people who appear before it. Often described as “the poor people’s court,” it hears, among other issues, child paternity, support, custody, and visitation cases typically, but not exclusively, involving non-marital parents. (Divorces, often involving parties having both more resources and property disputes, are heard in the less crowded and better-funded State Supreme Court.)