Center for New York City Affairs

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The Economy vs. Immigration: What will unlock the Latino vote in 2012?

The Economy vs. Immigration: What will unlock the Latino vote in 2012? Presented by Feet in Two Worlds, the Center for New York City AffairsGlobal Studies at The New School, Americas Society/Council of the Americasand Latino USA.

Latino voters are expected to play a pivotal role in the presidential election, just as they did in 2008. This town hall event will explore the tensions in the complex relationship that has evolved between the Latino electorate and the presidential candidates.  Will economic concerns such as unemployment and housing foreclosures guide at the voting booth? Will the candidates' immigration policies dominate? Or will large numbers of Latinos simply sit out this election? Understanding the political cross-currents buffeting Latinos today will provide valuable insight on the probable outcome of the election, as well as political and policy implications for the nation over the next four years.

María Hinojosa, moderator/host, journalist, Futuro Media Group Jordan Fabian, journalist, political editor for Univision's English-language website Chung Wha Hong, executive director, New York Immigration Coalition Mark Hugo Lopez, associate director, Pew Hispanic Center Fernand Amandi, managing partner, Bendixen and Amandi Intl.

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Supported by New York Community Trust, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Mertz Gilmore Foundation, the Milano Foundation and the Sirus Fund.