Center for New York City Affairs

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Work, Retirement Security & America's Future with Andy Stern

The event was co-sponsored by the Center for New York City Affairs at The New School. Low-wage jobs with few benefits are a fact of life in our intensely competitive economy. But today, millions of Americans in low-wage positions have little financial stability and even less hope of a secure retirement. What does this mean for society, for American politics, for our economic future? Is there any hope for policy solutions that spur collaboration between labor and business, Democrats and Republicans, to create more high-quality jobs and financial security for entire generations? Or are labor and industrial policy relics of the past?

The event featured a keynote speech by Andy Stern, former president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU); founder, Change to Win; and fellow, Georgetown University. Following his talk, Mr. Stern joined a conversation with Catherine Rampell, editor of the Economix blog of The New York Times, and others.

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