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Child Welfare Watch News Digest--October 22, 2013

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Here's a roundup of this week's news on low-income children, youth and families:

In the October 28 New Yorker, Ian Frazier examines New York City’s Homeless Crisis, and the potential to revamp NYC’s system of caring for homeless people under a new mayor.

The federal Administration for Children and Families (ACF) approved a five-year demonstration project in New York. This will allow the city to expand its pilot ChildSuccessNYC programs to more children and families across the foster care system.

A new study by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center found that fewer students from high-poverty schools went on to college than their counterparts from affluent schools, regardless of the schools’ location or racial makeup.

West Ed Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning released The Invisible Achievement Gap, Part 1, a statewide analysis of California students detailing the achievement gap between students in foster care and other students.


  • October 23 - The New York City Council Committee on General Welfare and the Committee on Juvenile Justice will hold a joint oversight hearing on the implementation of Close to Home for Non-Secured Placement.

  • October 23 - The U.S. House Way and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources will hold a hearing on Sex Trafficking of Youth in the Foster Care System.

  • October 28 - The New York City Council Committee on General Welfare and the Committee on Women’s Issues will hold a joint oversight hearing on implementation of Early Learn.

  • October 31 - The New York City Council Committee on Youth Services will hold an oversight hearing on the Human Trafficking Intervention Courts and the needs of NYC’s runaway and homeless youth populations.