Center for New York City Affairs

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Work Life, Home Life: Should Government Require Paid Leave?

About 1.3 million working people in New York City have no paid sick leave, and pressure is mounting on employers to provide it. Local chambers of commerce predict the cost would be in the billions; labor advocates argue it is simply a matter of fairness, and the City Council has begun to move on legislation. In the national context of often inflexible work options and limited public spending on child care, are there plausible ways to improve family policies in the workplace? Or is it too much for business, and the economy, to bear?

WITH: Sherry Leiwant, Executive Director, A Better Balance Sheebani Patel, Staff Attorney/Organizer, ROCNY Nancy Ploeger, President and CEO, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce Mary R. Watson, Associate Professor and Chair of Management Programs, Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy

MODERATOR: Sharon Lerner, author, The War on Moms: On Life in a Family-Unfriendly Nation

Supported by the Sirus Fund and the Milano Foundation.